Thursday, March 12, 2009

lme dah aku x lyn blog ni..huhuhu..asyik2 duk layn tagged je..

cmne nk ckp ek.......sbnrnye aku pos blog ni atas prmintaan
peminat la heheheheh,,,perasanye aku
padahal aku yg sibuk nk tacle die..heheheh.

ok ......aku nk cte la cmne aku leh terpikat ngn
minah sorg ni..jngn marh ek..pggil minah kjp..emm..
dulu aku start masuk dlu die mmg anti ngn geng2 aku.
.aku pun pangtang gak klu nmpak die msti nk kacau oo kco org...uhuhuhhu....aku dlu mne ade prsaan ngn die ni.
.tp x thu la..ble lme2 tngok die tlong ktorg ble nk wt add mate
yg mmg aku failed la aku nk wt...aku mule jth ati plak heheheheh....

.dan skng aku tngh ejas die la ssh btul minah sorg ni...
lme bru die boleh nk caye kt aku...huhuhhu....muka x leh caye ke aku ni....emm.
.aku sndri pun x leh caye..hish...dan skng..hahahah..mcm nk berjaya la..dan kitorg menjadi couple yg x sah aku rse....mcm mne aku nk trg pun aku x thu..huhuhhuhu....

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

aku ngn member nak g psr mlm.....

tujuan aku mlm tu sbenrnye nak mkn nasi boxing....dan nk bukak puasa..member aku la ..aku x brape nak puasa pun hr sume mmber aku ...

muay thai

ni best punye fight.....

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

ni plak motor aku mase aku kaye.........
klau aku kaya la ...

Monday, August 11, 2008

masa aku muda dulu!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 10, 2008


for me,friend is someone that we can share our problem with and someone that is ready to help us wherever we need their help.the best characteristic which is the most important for me is my friend must have sense of humor because i can't live with someone that is so serious because it can make me so stressfull
Sepak takraw (Indonesian/Malay: "kick"; Thai: ตะกร้อ "takraw"; Lao: ກະຕໍ້ "ka-taw"; Filipino: "sipa") [1] or kick volleyball is a sport native to Southeast Asia, resembling volleyball, except that it uses a rattan ball and only allows players to use their feet, knee, chest and head to touch the ball. It is a popular sport in Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, Laos, Philippines and Indonesia.

About Me

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very simple person and happy good lucky...